
Some cool sites I’ve found over the last few months

Over the last few months I have come across some really cool sites…Some from working at IZEA , some from using Stumble Upon, some from just being around social media more. Below is a short list: Rock Start Up: Izea’s web 2.0 reality show Social Spark Izea’s innovative platform that connects advertisers and bloggers. Twitter…

Banana Phone

This video is really funny…but now I can’t get the damn song stuck out of my head… This satiric video pokes fun at what technology might bring in the future…It’s a phone with “A-Peel”…A banana phone..Def a stretch but very funny none the less… Ring Ring Ring Ring…Banana Phone!

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GroupTable wins $12,000 in Business Plan Competition

Yesterday GroupTable won the annual UCF Joust Business Plan competition and $12,000. About 40 applicants submitted their business plans for the competition, the top 12 plans were selected to participate. Last week these 12 teams presented in front of several investors & business leaders in the community. The top four were selected as finalists taking…