13 Excellent Quotes from the World’s Dreamers – Past & Present

13 Excellent Quotes from the World’s Dreamers – Past & Present

The world that we live in today was shaped by the dreamers of yesterday.   Today, being Martin Luther King day, led me to reflect on the power that dreamers have to make this world a better place.  All of the great innovations and monumental changes across any industry, or Nation were first mere ideas…

7 Powerful Lessons Sun Tzu can teach you about Strategy
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7 Powerful Lessons Sun Tzu can teach you about Strategy

The world has gotten much smaller with the birth of social networks, social bookmarking websites, search engines, email and other communication mediums.   Furthermore consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing and advertising messages from every direction from companies competing for their attention. Having a well founded strategy is necessary to win the battle for your customer’s…

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10 Things a Start-up Entrepreneur’s Valentine Should Know

This is a guest post written by my wife, then girlfriend Lindsay Ament (@Lindsay273) in 2009. Yep, I put a ring on it! Fast forward to 2015, she has since taken her plunge into entrepreneurship and is living her dream job while creating a positive impact in people’s lives. — Tips for Entrepreneur Valentines Since…