17 Startup Lessons Parenthood Can Teach
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17 Startup Lessons Parenthood Can Teach

Recently my wife Lindsay and I were blessed with our greatest adventure yet…becoming parents.  In our case we were blessed with a two for one deal and had twins! A beautiful boy and girl. Our journey to parenthood wasn’t easy, we “tried” for over 5 years, followed by a complicated pregnancy which included my wife…

How I got started in Real Estate investing

How I got started in Real Estate investing

Anyone that knows me well understands that just like these Indianapolis real estate investment companies, I have also been a big fan of real estate investing for quite some time. Recently I was asked how I got started in real estate investing, so I decided to share for everyone. You can also check out https://www.ilisters.com/cyprus/property/for-sale/in-limassol for Limassol properties….

16 Uplifting Ways to Soar: Entrepreneur Flight Plan to help you take off.
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16 Uplifting Ways to Soar: Entrepreneur Flight Plan to help you take off.

There is something about being high up in the sky that really changes your perspective.  You see far more than you do on the ground. Last week my wife and I were on a flight back to Orlando from Pittsburgh. As we traveled over 500+ mph through the air we covered a vast amount of ground very…

33 valuable life lessons I learned from basketball
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33 valuable life lessons I learned from basketball

With the NCAA basketball tournament winding down I couldn’t help but think how many seniors played their final college basketball game. I know how it feels. Though several athletes will be fortunate enough to make it to the next level, most will not.  My basketball journey was full of excitement and disappointment. Fun and frustration….

Recognizing and Surviving Entrepreneur Growing Pains
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Recognizing and Surviving Entrepreneur Growing Pains

My clients, mentors and most of my closest friends all have one major thing in common…they are all entrepreneurs. This being the case, you could imagine that I spend a lot of time around those involved in entrerpreneurship! I am with entrepreneurs as they express their challenges and share obstacles that lay ahead of them….

Planting Seeds for Start-up Success
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Planting Seeds for Start-up Success

With so many distractions germinating from the Technology we have planted in our lives – TV, Tablets, Text Messages, Emails, Social Networks, Apps, etc – It’s important to find time to appreciate the Earth itself. I love the outdoors – hiking, fishing, spending the day at the beach, or taking Jackson for a walk with…

7 Powerful Lessons Sun Tzu can teach you about Strategy
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7 Powerful Lessons Sun Tzu can teach you about Strategy

The world has gotten much smaller with the birth of social networks, social bookmarking websites, search engines, email and other communication mediums.   Furthermore consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing and advertising messages from every direction from companies competing for their attention. Having a well founded strategy is necessary to win the battle for your customer’s…