Funny Viral Video Compilation
Great compilation of viral videos & concepts from the last few years…It will def bring back memories and it’s really funny, check it out
Also check out GroupTable to manage your student projects and study groups
Great compilation of viral videos & concepts from the last few years…It will def bring back memories and it’s really funny, check it out
Also check out GroupTable to manage your student projects and study groups
Play Me…. ok… so i’ve officially become a dork…lol But anyway GTV2, GroupTable’s new version, is on it’s way…I’m excited!
A lot of really exciting things have been occurring with GroupTable, my start-up, over the last few months. For those of you that don’t know…. GroupTable is a simple collaboration software that helps you easily manage group projects, study groups and all of the other groups of your life. With group calendars, to-do lists, file…
Hi Everyone, This past week GroupTable was featured on a news station in California. GroupTable is a collaborative software that improves group communication, planning and document management. GroupTable now has thousands of users all around the world. In addition to being a founder I was also the CEO of GroupTable for over a year until…
It’s that time of the year again…the Super Bowl is upon us! Regardless of if your team made the Super Bowl, or you even like football in general, one thing that everybody loves about the Super Bowl is the commercials. My wife’s favorite Super Bowl commercials are always the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials. Here is one…
As a movement gains traction and momentum it often compounds. It all starts with a leader (innovator)…someone willing to take a chance at the risk of looking ridiculous. The first visible follower is an integral part of the success of a movement…as is the second follower. These early adopters show people how to follow, but…
February 17th I spoke at the University of Central Florida for their “Entrepreneurial Speaker Series” in front of an audience of 50-60 ambitious business students. The topic was on marketing strategies for entrepreneurs….I decided to take a slightly different direction to help students from falling into a very common trap that can severely injure or…
I ve been reading along for a while now. I just wanted to drop you a comment to say keep up the good work.
Tips Beauty
Thanks Joan…I’m glad you like my blog!
Great compilation indeed! I’ve seen several of those videos, but sadly most of them I have not, lol =(
Till then,
@Steve can you elaborate on your point a bit auto
Do you think that is going to work?
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Lenen Zonder BKR Toetsing Lenen zonder BKR toetsing stijgt in populariteit op het Internet. Veel mensen met een zogeheten BKR notatie, die toch geld willen lenen zijn op zoek naar …
Migraine is hoofdpijn die in aanvallen komt. De hoofdpijn komt plotseling op, soms midden in de nacht zodat u er wakker van wordt. De pijn zit meestal aan
Migraine is een bonzende hoofdpijn die meestal voorkomt aan één kant van de schedel. De pijn is heftig en houdt 4 tot 72 uur aan.
hey adminstrator , i like with u write.