Funny Viral Video Compilation
Great compilation of viral videos & concepts from the last few years…It will def bring back memories and it’s really funny, check it out
Also check out GroupTable to manage your student projects and study groups
Great compilation of viral videos & concepts from the last few years…It will def bring back memories and it’s really funny, check it out
Also check out GroupTable to manage your student projects and study groups
September was a great month for GroupTable. We now have over 750 registered users signed up for our beta and are quickly approaching a million hits for the month. Carl and Zach have been working very hard on GroupTable V2 and Scott and I have been working to grow our user base and awareness in…
February 17th I spoke at the University of Central Florida for their “Entrepreneurial Speaker Series” in front of an audience of 50-60 ambitious business students. The topic was on marketing strategies for entrepreneurs….I decided to take a slightly different direction to help students from falling into a very common trap that can severely injure or…
Play Me…. ok… so i’ve officially become a dork…lol But anyway GTV2, GroupTable’s new version, is on it’s way…I’m excited!
As a movement gains traction and momentum it often compounds. It all starts with a leader (innovator)…someone willing to take a chance at the risk of looking ridiculous. The first visible follower is an integral part of the success of a movement…as is the second follower. These early adopters show people how to follow, but…
November was a great month for GroupTable. With no funding, nobody on our staff working full time and a lot of late nights GroupTable now has over 1200 students using our software, and we’re still in beta! You can also see our unique visitors to the right. All of our marketing, minus one promotional event…
As many of you may have heard, the story of Facebook is going to be hitting the big screen in a movie called “The Social Network”. Here is the link to the official Social Network movie trailer if you haven’t seen it yet. Recently the internet comedy channel Indy Mogul came up with an awesome…
I ve been reading along for a while now. I just wanted to drop you a comment to say keep up the good work.
Tips Beauty
Thanks Joan…I’m glad you like my blog!
Great compilation indeed! I’ve seen several of those videos, but sadly most of them I have not, lol =(
Till then,
@Steve can you elaborate on your point a bit auto
Do you think that is going to work?
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