I Came, I Saw, I Conquered- The Crusade Was A Success
As most of you know, based on my last few posts I have been crusading (Doing SEO techniques) to get my name back to it’s rightful spot on the top of the Google Search engine for “David Brim”. I switched my blog platform from blogger to wordpress and ran into a bunch of problems with the SERPS. I’m glad to say that today while on my lunch break I decided to google my name David Brim and I have officially reclaimed my thrown as the #1 David Brim in the land according to Google. An added cherry on top is that now I also rank number one for “Dave Brim” as well.
See how I regained my spot by visiting my Crusade for #1 in Google Post.
Congrats for getting your #1 spot for your name back in Google. Now, all you need is an authority listing for you name. That should come in a few months.
Good point about the authority listing…I see another crusade coming!
fyi…I had an indented listing before my switch, but never an authority listing. I saw your post http://natewhitehill.com/google-authority-listing-boosts-search-engine-traffic/
It really broke it down nicely…thanks
Good Work! New blog looks great.
I am 1 and 6 for Joe Vaughn
I am 1 for Joseph Vaughn
I am 1, 2, 6 for JoeSales.
Looks like you are gaining pagerank too! Thats great!
Thanks I’m glad you like the new look & feel of the site…you can go on the next crusade with me. Our quest to get an authority listing. I dub you Sir Sales-a-Lot
Most of those Counts and Dukes created their own mini kingdoms out of greed for the wealth and power those Crusader states generated. Being so far away, It was hard for the established kingdoms in enforce any claims. Besides, the crusades were run by the Catholic church and the Pope which was a political power in itself that equaled any of those other kingdoms.
Do you think that is going to work?
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