Are you an Entrepreneur? Here’s a Challenge for you

I recently came across an interesting video from Stamford University’s Entrepreneurship program.  A professor there came up with an interesting challenge for her entrepreneurship students.  First she formed them into groups then gave them each “seed funding” of $5.  The groups had 4-5 days to plan and then had 2 hours to make as much…

I Pronounce You Man and Wife…You may now update your Facebook Status

This video was passed along to me by a friend and I had to share it.  During a wedding ceremony after being officially wed, a bride and groom update their Facebook status before kissing.   I would say that’s a little overboard…but funny none the less. Now there has been a number of twitter marriage proposals…

Social Media Revolution

Think Social Media is a fad?  Think again.  I found this video had some very interesting stats.  It reminded me of the “Did you know” video I shared last year, but more geared towards social media.  Well worth watching…. It’s clear that social media can be used for many different purposes….customer service, building relationships with…

Your Customers Are Online….Are They Finding You or Your Competition?

Have you ever thought about how many people are online today?  Sure it sounds like common sense….people use the internet, but have you ever really thought about it? How Many People Are Online? There are over 307 million people in the United States according to the US Census Bureau.  Of this number about 220 million…

Facebook Surpasses 300 Million Users- Now Cash Flow Positive

A few days ago Facebook announced that they hit 300 million users and they are now cash flow positive. Other interesting facts: More than 2 billion photos uploaded to the site each month More than 14 million videos uploaded each month More than 2 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes,…

British Airlines helps your business Take off- Small Business Contest

A recent study done by The Harvard Business Review and British Airlines identified that face to face meetings have the potential to make or break your business. (More Information here) I can verify this statement through experience. About two years ago i co-founded a collaboration software called GroupTable. What I’ve found through my interactions with…


Search Engine Optimization Tips for Online Success

Search Engine Optimization is nothing new, however many people are still baffled with how it works and what it takes to dominate the search engines for a given term.  Ranking well for strategically selected keyword terms in your niche will drive highly motivated potential customers to your web-presence, which will result in more sales, leads…

Twitter 101 – Twitter’s Guide for Businesses

Recently twitter published a guide called Twitter 101 to help businesses get started and get the most value from their popular application.  Twitter 101 includes: best practices, glossary of terms one should be familiar with, case studies and more.  If you are a business looking to get involved in Social Media, specifically twitter and don’t…