SEO and Link Building 101

It’s no secret that reaching more customers is a goal of nearly all business owners.  As I discussed in a previous post…your potential and current customers are online and searching.  There are roughly 5,500 searches that occur every second. That’s right….every second! The harsh reality is….roughly 90% of all of those searches will not venture…

Give Me 5 Minutes and I’ll Share with you a Solid Social Media Strategy that Works

Are you a business owner who is wondering how you can get the most value out of social media? So many business owners I speak to sign up for twitter and facebook with no real strategy.  They simply sign up because they have heard the buzz about these networks, or because someone said that they…

When to hire internally versus use a marketing agency

Robert Urban, Chief Marketing Officer of Brand Advance, recently wrote an awesome white paper giving suggestions on when it makes more sense for a company to train an existing employee, hire a new employee, or to utilize the services of a marketing agency for various marketing initiatives. Here’s the link to download the white paper:…

5 Ways Facebook Questions can be an Answer for your Business

Facebook just announced that they are rolling out a new Questions and Answer feature.  The product feature is currently being tested and was only rolled out to a small beta group as of now.   This feature will allow questions to be asked and then answered by the entire Facebook community. Additional details on the feature’s functionality…