Don’t Settle and Follow Your Heart- Steve Jobs

Though I’m more of a “PC guy” than a “Mac User”, I have the utmost respect for Steve Jobs. What he accomplished during his lifetime is truly incredible. His creativity and leadership not only revolutionized the personal computer, but mobile devices and tablets as well. He built Apple into the world’s leading technology company and…

GroupTable Update

A lot of really exciting things have been occurring with GroupTable, my start-up, over the last few months. For those of you that don’t know…. GroupTable is a simple collaboration software that helps you easily manage group projects, study groups and all of the other groups of your life. With group calendars, to-do lists, file…

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Warning: Build your personal brand now, or you’ll regret it later

February 17th I spoke at the University of Central Florida for their “Entrepreneurial Speaker Series” in front of an audience of 50-60 ambitious business students.  The topic was on marketing strategies for entrepreneurs….I decided to take a slightly different direction to help students from falling into a very common trap that can severely injure or…


What Every Business Owner should know about Google Instant Previews

Google recently released a new feature called “Instant Previews” into their search engine results page.    As the name suggests this feature enables a searcher to preview all of the websites on the listings page before making the decision on which website they should visit. This may seem like a small adjustment, but what does this…