Keep it moving  – How to leverage the power of movement for success!
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Keep it moving – How to leverage the power of movement for success!

In life one thing is certain and that is that change will come. Time marches on and as it does movement occurs that creates opportunities for those that are prepared and threats to those who are not. This applies to business, sports, personal lives…etc. On the basketball court, one of the most common outcries you’ll…

Don’t Settle and Follow Your Heart- Steve Jobs

Though I’m more of a “PC guy” than a “Mac User”, I have the utmost respect for Steve Jobs. What he accomplished during his lifetime is truly incredible. His creativity and leadership not only revolutionized the personal computer, but mobile devices and tablets as well. He built Apple into the world’s leading technology company and…

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Warning: Build your personal brand now, or you’ll regret it later

February 17th I spoke at the University of Central Florida for their “Entrepreneurial Speaker Series” in front of an audience of 50-60 ambitious business students.  The topic was on marketing strategies for entrepreneurs….I decided to take a slightly different direction to help students from falling into a very common trap that can severely injure or…

John Wooden Lessons for Life, Sports and Business

John Wooden is regarded as the most successful coach in sports history.  Wooden has had 12 NCAA final four appearances resulting in 10 championship wins.  Wooden also has an amazing 80% overall winning percentage.  John Wooden’s principles of success drove his life and those lessons transferred over into everything he did including his coaching career….


Know your Worth

Guest post by Robert Urban — Show me a “how to”  instruction video and I can do just about anything… or can I? Recently, a situation occurred in my house that consisted of a significant plumbing issue.  I Googled it, read articles, and knew all the  jargon to make myself seem knowledgeable to the Home Depot expert when requesting…

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Tips for Investor Pitches

This past Friday I had the opportunity for the second year in a row to Judge the UCF Joust Business plan competition.  This competition, one that I previously won two different times, is organized by UCF’s college of business and numerous successful business leaders and investors are invited to judge various team’s business plans, venture…

Four Reasons Why Social Media Can Improve your Career & Personal Brand
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Four Reasons Why Social Media Can Improve your Career & Personal Brand

Recently I’ve been viewing a lot of resumes and talking with a lot of recent college grads looking for jobs.   Lots of the resumes I see are dull and unimpressive.  Even many designer resumes I’ve reviewed have been bland with no personality.  It really made me think about how helpful engaging in social media can…