Recognizing and Surviving Entrepreneur Growing Pains
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Recognizing and Surviving Entrepreneur Growing Pains

My clients, mentors and most of my closest friends all have one major thing in common…they are all entrepreneurs. This being the case, you could imagine that I spend a lot of time around those involved in entrerpreneurship! I am with entrepreneurs as they express their challenges and share obstacles that lay ahead of them….

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10 timeless lessons from Nelson Mandela to achieve success in business & life

An entrepreneurial venture or endeavor often starts with recognizing a problem and leading the charge to develop a value-added offering to solve that problem. An entrepreneur has a vision in his mind for a better future that could exist if things were done differently. Entrepreneurs are also willing to take the risk necessary to bring…

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Want your Startup to be Successful? Make Powerful RHYMES

You want your venture to take off…yes it’s true. It hasn’t yet and you’re feeling blue. Wondering what you need to do? Make Powerful RHYMES to see your vision through. Ok…that was corny. I know. But, hear me out. Last week I was reflecting about what a start-up needs to be successful. In the end…


UCF Entrepreneurial Speaking Engagements and Events

During the month of October I was requested to speak several times at the University of Central Florida about my entrepreneurial journey.  The first was to a group of students within the student union at Blackstone Launch Pad, a phenomenal center created to help spark entrepreneurship across UCF’s campus. Here is a pic from a…

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Leadership Lessons from a Dancing Guy

As a movement gains traction and momentum it often compounds.  It all starts with a leader (innovator)…someone  willing to take a chance at the risk of looking ridiculous.  The first visible follower is an integral part of the success of a movement…as is the second follower.  These early adopters show people how to follow, but…

13 Excellent Quotes from the World’s Dreamers – Past & Present

13 Excellent Quotes from the World’s Dreamers – Past & Present

The world that we live in today was shaped by the dreamers of yesterday.   Today, being Martin Luther King day, led me to reflect on the power that dreamers have to make this world a better place.  All of the great innovations and monumental changes across any industry, or Nation were first mere ideas…

7 Powerful Lessons Sun Tzu can teach you about Strategy
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7 Powerful Lessons Sun Tzu can teach you about Strategy

The world has gotten much smaller with the birth of social networks, social bookmarking websites, search engines, email and other communication mediums.   Furthermore consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing and advertising messages from every direction from companies competing for their attention. Having a well founded strategy is necessary to win the battle for your customer’s…