
Everything you should know about Internet Defamation

The tech-infused world we live in makes it easy to connect with others, share and speak your mind. Blogs, video sharing websites such as YouTube, and social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram give everyone who has something to say a voice and a platform for others to receive their message.

These tools and networks can be used in positive and constructive ways, or in negative and destructive ways. Furthermore, what is said can be true, false or an opinion. It is true that due to our first constitutional amendment we have the ability to express our opinion whether online or offline. However, what happens when someone is stating things online that damage you or your business that are simply not true?

What people find online through search engines or social networks can influence their perception on a person, business, product or event. In many situations the perception becomes reality – especially when that statement is shared across the internet like wildfire and influences the perception of so many. These false statements can be very damaging and hard to reverse. This is called internet defamation.

I’ve added a great infographic below explaining internet defamation by Kelly Warner, a law firm specializing in defamation, business and internet law. I hope that you found this infographic to be as informative as I did.

Internet Defamation

“This post is sponsored by Kelly Warner. I was invited to this opportunity by Quality Blue Community and I received compensation for my time. All opinions expressed in this post are my own.”

Source: www.businessdefamation.com

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