GTV2 is Coming
Play Me….
so i’ve officially become a dork…lol
But anyway GTV2, GroupTable’s new version, is on it’s way…I’m excited!
Play Me….
so i’ve officially become a dork…lol
But anyway GTV2, GroupTable’s new version, is on it’s way…I’m excited!
So recently I’ve been thinking about this issue and came to the conclusion that Social Media is a lot like working out. Now before you judge that comment look at my top 5 reasons why. I’m eager to hear your feedback 🙂 1) When you do it consistently and over time it will yield great…
So a few days ago I posted about how Google stopped indexing my blog, Filled to the Brim about a week after I switched from Blogger to WordPress. For a long time when I typed “David Brim” into the search engines I owned nearly the whole page, now a David Brim from illonois has the…
Below you will find a link to a recent article about GroupTable published in the Central Florida Future. Central Florida Future Article
A lot of really exciting things have been occurring with GroupTable, my start-up, over the last few months. For those of you that don’t know…. GroupTable is a simple collaboration software that helps you easily manage group projects, study groups and all of the other groups of your life. With group calendars, to-do lists, file…
We’re in the midst of the worst economy since the great depression. People are getting laid off or fired everyday and thousands of college graduates (and millions of others) across the country are struggling to find a job. With that said why in the world would I choose to quit my job now? Allow me…
It’s amazing and inspiring for me to examine how much a year can change your life.  If you have a blog and keep it updated, it almost provides a way to interview your previous self and see what you were thinking and doing and how everything has ended up thus far. With that said, tomorrow…
Do you acknowledge that this is high time to get the personal loans, which can realize your dreams.
@Sara- I feel the same way
@Sara- I feel the same way
beef jerky